Most seem to transfer in my case, but any that use depreciated tools that are no longer in Luminar AI will not transfer and would not be shown. The Legacy templates are where you will find any templates you have from the previous version of Luminar that are compatible with Luminar AI.

In this section, you will see any templates that you have marked as your favorites, any that you have purchased via Luminar Marketplace, User Templates (Those that you have created yourself, Yes you can do that), and lastly, Legacy Templates. The Star below the “Magic Wand“ as I’m calling it is the “My Collection” menu selector. There are additional recommended template collections to the right of the Monochrome Collection and to view those, you swipe to see the additional recommended Template collections. I suspect it choose this collection first since this is a Black and White image. In my example you will note that it recommended the “Monochrome” Template Collection as one it things I should like to try with this image.

The top right of the window contains the Template Collection that Luminar AI has recommended based upon the photo that you had selected. The Template Categories of Templates that come with Luminar AI